Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No adult supervision ...

Which might be a good thing. As Gordon said below:

I'm just havin' the best time watching the Repugs stompin' all over each other, fallin' in the holes they've dug for themselves and shovelin' the dirt back in on themselves.

While the "candidates" for the Rethug nom are all distancing themselves from themselves, the budget "negotiations" are going on. Thankfully, they can't agree on anything:

Sen. Jon Kyl hinted on FOX News Sunday that the rightward 'Gang of Six' aren't making much progress in their efforts to come up with a deficit-reducing compromise bill that will possibly cut benefits for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. All I can say is: Hallelujah!


Of course, "no tax increases" is the watchword for the Rethugs so let's see what programs they want to cut and still have any chance of getting reelected. I'm just hoping the Dems don't cave too early.

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