Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ode To Joy, Sorta...

I'm just havin' the best time watching the Repugs stompin' all over each other, fallin' in the holes they've dug for themselves and shovelin' the dirt back in on themselves. The only thing better would be if they started pukin' on each other's shirt fronts, oh please dear God! I know it isn't going to last so I'll enjoy the shit out of it while it does.

This song conveys my giddiness. There are dozens of versions of this on YouTube and I looked at a lot of 'em* before I decided the proper spirit of this song should be a family affair. Jim Beam as Cap'n Crunch sauce, so to speak. I've posted the lyrics below. Enjoy.

*Damn dirty job, but someone has to do it.

This is a great old time tune including the lyrics. It's often played as an instrumental; however, the lyrics are quite entertaining.

Thanks to jbredbug.

Early one morning 'fore the sun could shine
I was walkin' dow@ the street, not feelin' so fine
I saw two old men with a bottle between' em
And this is the song that I heard them singin'

cho: Lord protect us, Saints preserve us
We been drinkin' whiskey 'fore breakfast

I passed by the steps where they were a' sittin'
I couldn't believe how drunk they were gettin'
I said "Old men you been drinkn' long?"
"Long enough to be singin' this song"

They handed me a bottle, said, "Take a little sip"
And it felt so good, I just couldn't quit
So I took a little more, next thing I knew
There were three of us sittin' there singin' this tune

One by one everybody in town
Heard our ruckus and they all came down
Pretty soon all the streets were a-ringin'
With the sound of the whole town laughin' and singin'

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