Monday, May 23, 2011

So tell me again ...

How the Pakistanis are helping us fight "The War On Terror" when they can't even keep their own installations safe?


On Sunday evening at 2230 (1730 GMT), militants stormed three hangars housing aircraft at the Mehran naval aviation base, according to officials.

Their first targets were aircraft parked on the tarmac and equipment in nearby hangers, says the BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan at the scene.

Eyewitnesses say the militants used rocket-propelled grenades to damage and destroy several warplanes. These included the Pakistan navy's premier anti-submarine and marine surveillance aircraft - the US-made P-3C Orion.

At least two of these multi-million dollar planes were set ablaze.


It was said that the attackers wore Pak military uniforms and the operation was "very coordinated, sophisticated". Makes me assume they had an "inside man".

There are also the problems (which you don't hear about on American news) with attacks on supply convoys, the same tactics used against the Soviets when they were the "occupier du jour".

A Nato oil tanker has exploded in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 15 people, say officials.


At least 14 other Nato tankers were damaged in a separate attack nearby, at the Torkham border crossing.

The region is a crucial transport route for supplies destined for Nato forces in Afghanistan but the convoys frequently come under attack from militants and criminals.


All this while harboring the man who was supposedly the reason we're over there in the first place. With this kind of "help" from the Pakistanis, it's no wonder we can't get anywhere. Jesus Christ, we defeated the Axis armies and navies 70 years ago, yet we can't root out and kill a buncha guys stuck in the 12th Century? It's not a mystery when our "friend" gives them sanctuary, information, and, probably, weapons (and, by the way, the Paks are making money off our convoys as well).

It's long past time for us to leave.

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