Thursday, June 16, 2011

Almost there ...

Seems our fucked up NY State Assembly managed to get the same sex marriage bill passed last night and now it's on to the Senate. Looks like a buncha Rethugs have turned left on this issue and the NYS Conservative Party is pissed off. Good:

ALBANY, N.Y. - (AP) -- The legalization of gay marriage in New York now falls squarely on the shoulders of Republican state senators under intense political pressure from the important Conservative Party and internal polling that shows growing, but not necessarily majority, support for same-sex marriage.

They know that not just the national gay marriage movement, but their own careers, may hinge on their vote.

But before that vote can happen on Thursday or Friday, the Republicans will return to a closed-door caucus to decide whether to send Gov. Andrew Cuomo's bill to the Senate floor. The vote on the bill appears to be a tie, with at least two Republicans saying they are undecided.


Let's hope Governor Cuomo II can squeeze their nuts enough to flip 'em.


After all, this ain't Kentucky.

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