Thursday, June 16, 2011

The big guns ...

Are out! They found a porn star:

Reporting from New York - As Rep. Anthony Weiner remained in hiding and on leave from his job, a self-described dancer and former porn actress who was part of his sexting scandal emerged from seclusion Wednesday and said the congressman had pressed her to lie about his online activities.

Ginger Lee read a statement describing an electronically driven relationship that lasted from March 2011 until two weeks ago, when Weiner admitted sending sexually charged messages and graphic photographs to various women. “I did not sext Anthony Weiner,” said Lee, standing beside celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred.


The Dems want him out as badly as the Rethugs do. You know, the thing that gets me about all this is that if Weiner were a Rethug, the only ones screaming would be the Dems and the right would be silent. It kills me that the Dems are so eager to do the Rethugs' dirty work for them. Idiots.

If the Dems were smart, they'd listen to Swopa:


If you can forgive me a brief flight of fancy, I’d suggest to Reid and Pelosi that there’s a way for them to play both sides of this controversy successfully. I’ve argued for years that Democrats have suffered from a poor division of labor — they don’t have designated bomb-throwers/”bad cops” to say rude (but true) things in the media, so that more moderate folks can play “good cop” and make the same points while seeming more agreeable.


But then reality returns:


Ahh, but who am I kidding? The Democratic leadership is as incapable of this sort of clever kabuki as they are of standing up publicly for progressive principles.

Indeed. The "mainstream" Dems didn't like Alan Grayson either.


No Weiner for you!


  1. Hello Fixer,

    Most of the (D)emocrats are really DINOS. Stop thinking of them as Democrats but neoliberals (insert color here) dogs, etc. I do not wish to disparage dogs but that is how they identify themselves. They are part of the problem not part of the solution.

  2. No shit, you couldn't tell a Dem of today from a Republican of Nixon's time.

  3. I support the resignation because, as I have stated other places, Rep Weiner opened himself to blackmail by foreign agents or worse, republicans, when he tried to hide his actions and was less than forthcoming about the scope of them. However, I really wish he had know of and taken to heart my suggestion that his resignation be tied to that of David Vitter and Clarence Thomas who are also in blackmailable positions vis-a-vis their extracurricular activities that they would like the public to not know about.

    He had one last opportunity to do large good but it looks like he wasted it.
