Thursday, June 23, 2011

False Alarm!

Colorado To End Medicaid Coverage Of Circumcision

Tamron Hall of MSNBC just said MediCARE coverage of circumcision had been eliminated! Whew! Glad I looked it up. Don't worry, my turtlenecked Alternate Brain, I'm not planning on that! You can come out now...

I bet that long line of old grey heads at the bris clinic evaporated in a hurry, though. Heh.


  1. Been to more than one bris. Only watched the "operation" once; all I needed to see. What I couldn't get is all the aunts, uncles, grandparents, and hangers-on all standing around like it was entertainment, laughing and joking and drinking wine (the old ladies said a prayer). Me and the kid were in pain. Oy!

  2. Skin heads on the rise, oh my!

  3. Actually, there are a number of circumcisions performed for medical reasons, not merely as a religious ritual. Adult males don't get these operations as elective surgery. It is, I was told by an acquaintance who had to have this surgery, very painful for an adult. I think he got some kind of infection that required the surgery. Anyway, it isn't a joke. I don't think Medicaid would have covered a bris anyway because the surgery is usually not performed by a doctor.
