Friday, June 24, 2011

Finally ...

Somebody's growing a set:

All I can say is it's about time some of the Democrats are calling out Republicans for something that's been obvious to me for some time, their willingness to wreck the economy for short term political gain.


It's been obvious to most of us since 20 Jan 2009. It's about time the Dems realize that the "collegial atmosphere" in the Congress is bullshit and the Rethugs are dealing in bad faith. I once thought (before the Bush years) that the Rethugs actually had the nation's best interest at heart, with merely a different way of getting there. I realized a while back that they don't care what happens to this nation because there is always some profit in it for them, whether the economy takes off or circles the bowl. They don't give a shit about anyone or anything except their "contributors" and their own careers.


  1. I go the extra inch and watch how the Democratic/Republicans vote when the chips are down for the lower 99.9 per cent.

    Easy to vote "progressive" when the Republican/Democratic politicians have all of the votes needed, but too many slide over the line when push comes to shove.

    Remember when President Obama couldn't move legislation when his party controlled both houses?
