Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hot God Sex!

Last part of a post by The Rude Pundit. The first part made me blush!

It was helpful that your aide clarified what you meant. "Conservatives believe rights are granted by God and it is the responsibility of government to aid in protecting them" is what communications director Steve Taylor said. And "Liberals believe rights are granted by government...Congressman Akin believes those two concepts define the basic debate between the two ideologies."

That's fucking great. Welcome to the Bachmann School of American History. So essentially, your ideology says that kings and tyrants are more powerful than God. Or that God is such a cunt that he doesn't care if some people get to use the rights he grants while others have those rights cock-blocked by other people. That's the follow-through on Akin's conservative belief, no? Whereas god-fearing liberals believe that people take care of people shit and God takes care of God shit and thus God can just stay above it all. Like a good grandmother, not a molesting uncle. (By the way, atheist politicians of both parties don't give a fuck, but mostly they have to pretend that they do.)

So, sure, Toddster, if you're going to say that liberals hate God, then, fuck, have your God do something about it. Or is he just that much of a pussy?

God don't give a shit. He was invented to scare and suppress people millennia ago. Some people still fall for it. Too many.


  1. I like the part about pulling the old SOB outta the sky and kicking his ass. Otherwise, my other alternative to the absolute is to gift a knuckle sandwich at the pearly Gates.

  2. You'll be punchin' air in the middle of nowhere. Gift the knuckle sandwiches on this earthly plane where they'll do some good.

  3. ... have your God do something about it.

    Him and what army?

  4. Absolutely right Gordon. God is just a matter of shadow boxing.

  5. Painting their butts blue and howling at the moon

  6. Or is he just that much of a pussy?

    No. As Slactivist (a liberal Baptist blogger at http://www.patheos.com/community/slacktivist/) pointed out in a recent tongue-in-cheek posting, with quotes from the Old Testament, God likes to express his wrath with fire; hence the wild fires in Arizon and Texas. The conservatives just don't know that they are the targets of God's wrath.

  7. Personally, I think God is embarrassed by the Repubs claiming HE or SHE or WHATEVER is one of them...but God's just too polite to say so...
