Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ship starting to sink, rats starting to flee


KABUL—Afghanistan's central bank governor has left for the U.S. and isn't expected to return because he fears for his safety after investigating fraud allegations at the country's largest lender, according to two Western officials.

Bank Governor Abdul Qadir Fitrat left Kabul for the U.S. about 10 days ago, one of these people said. Last year Mr. Fitrat opened an investigation into Kabul Bank, which nearly collapsed amid public allegations that its owners used it to make favorable loans to themselves and politically connected associates.

Most of that money is ours anyway. Never fear, it will return to the U.S. and Europe by the suitcase-full when the rest of the rats leave Clusterfuckistan one step ahead of the new Taliban regime after we leave. Or whenever it looks like we'll leave.

Governor Abdul is well placed to greet them.


  1. When there's heavy activity in burka shares we'll know.

  2. Activity in a burka? What a concept! ;)

  3. ... heavy activity in burka ...

    Do you want to keep your $250 or go for what's behind curtain number one? Heh ...

  4. I'll keep the money, thanks Bob. Them wimmens uses camel'n goat shit for makeup.
