Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I don't care where, just hope it's soon...

Crazy White Woman announced her candidacy at the tiny-brained forum, er, 'Repug debate' the other day but nobody was watching so she's going to do it again this coming Monday in Waterloo IA in hopes someone other than the Dead End Quarter will notice. Or give a shit.

I offer her this classic old country song. I think it would make a nice campaign theme:

Thanks to rflowers57.


  1. And the horror movie "Crazy White Lady and the Seven Dwarves" continues. Somehow I doubt this one is going to be picked up by The Disney Channel ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. If only she could snag that nomination. Wouldn't the election be fun?

  3. if that happens, yes, it might be fun. At least my fingernails are safe since I have no teeth to chew them down to my elbows!
