Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Took 'em a couple days ...

But they got this cocksucker:

Suffolk police Wednesday morning arrested a Medford* man in connection with the quadruple murder at a Medford pharmacy, according to a source familiar with the case.

Police took David Laffer, 33, into custody three days after the murders at Haven Drugs on Sunday, the source said.


Bastid killed 4 people, including a 17 year old girl, in cold blood in a pharmacy on Sunday for prescription drugs. Good on the Suffolk County PD. Times like this I like the death penalty.

*About 6 miles from my house.


  1. I'm glad they they caught the bastard. Musta been a surveillance video or a tipoff. Most cops can't track a muddy puppy across a kitchen floor.

  2. From what's coming out, this guy was such a fuck up there was a line of people waiting to turn his ass in.
