Friday, June 17, 2011

Republican-lite ...

An excellent post up by Tom Rinaldo at DU:


I fear that right wing agenda today as much now as I ever have, and I see that it is advancing. When todays Democratic Party manages to defeat the Republicans, the rate of the right wing advance is often slowed. In some instances the rate of the right wing advance is even slowed significantly by Democratic victories, and on some rare occasions the Right is even pushed back a little. Overall though is seems clear to me now that the big picture is slipping steadily Right and the national Democratic Party as I know it is not capable of changing that drift, only of slowing it. It is little solace to me that we sometimes manage to slow down the rate at which our nation as we have known it is being driven over the cliff.


The Democratic Party has become a group of corporate-owned, weak-kneed, soft-spined whiners.


I know there are many Democrats today who I still have much political common ground with. I also know that in most places most of the time there is now no remotely viable alternative to supporting Democratic Party candidates if the immediate goal is to defeat Republican candidates. Important as that still may be, that is no longer enough to me. It is not enough because the fundamental unacceptable status quo is not altered when todays Democratic Party co-governs with todays Republican Party. The difference between the Democrats having 57 seats in the Senate or Republicans having 57 seats in the Senate is a different speed by which the right wing agenda moves forward in America. Same thing about control of the House and even it now seems, the Presidency. [my em]


One of the great things about changing your political affiliation to Socialist is you don't get as much political fundraising junk mail either.

What was left of the real Democratic Party died with Ted Kennedy. I'm sick of the lot of them.


And a little more about co-opting from Hugh:

Netroots Nation is on in Minneapolis. This is the big convention where Democrats go and talk about how progressive they are. It only lasts a few days, I suppose, because that is how long participants can keep the irony at bay.



  1. Worst thing that ever happened to the American and Russian working people was the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    The only thing that scared the plutocrats was the vision of becoming exiles living in Paris on the money and art objects that they could carry out with them when they fled.

    Then small fractions of social justice could come in.

  2. Worst thing that ever happened to the American and Russian working people was the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    I've quoted my old CO here quite a few times. 30 years ago he told me "Sarge, pray the Soviet Union stays around because worse things will take its place."

  3. It's like fighting the devil with both hands tied behind your back.

  4. Yep, but I figure it can't go on like this for much longer, one way or the other. The running of this country has gotten too stupid and it can't sustain itself for long. Even the most blinded are gonna wake up. There will be a reckoning, either from within or without.
