Friday, June 17, 2011


It's amazing how recorded history started on 20 Jan 2009:


But, having read and seen as much as you could expect someone to tolerate without projectile hurling, I keep wondering why one simple question isn't being asked...ok, I'm not wondering, I'm just wondering how anyone can with a straight face call it the librul media when they won't ask each Rethug candidate how their policies differ from those of George W. Bush. Of course, the answer is they don't (and part of me hopes there's maybe, hopefully, just enough common sense out there to recognize this). [my em]


They should ask Obama the same question.


And I'm still amazed at how quickly Shrub's been erased. Stalin almost couldn't have done any better.

Is in "collective housing" in very cold place ... [/cheesy Russian accent]

(Don't I wish)


  1. They call it the librul media because despite the media's best efforts, occasionally some truth slips out and the truth has a liberal bias.

  2. Bush has been disappeared because every last one of those Repug sonsabitches knows damn well he got us into this economic mess, besides being a war criminal, and they are counting on our short memory that we will forget it. Not this time.

  3. Like I said, not this time. Hope, like shit, floats!

  4. The moronic monkey may be swinging from the chandeliers in Dallas these days, but his policies live on, thanks to Bushack HW Obama.
