Friday, June 17, 2011

They stopped caring ...

After they got to the greed part:

Some say that maybe it is a bad idea to base a political party's ideology on a belief that altruism, democracy and Christianity are "evil." Others say that maybe it is a bad idea to base a country's policies on fictional novels rather than science and history. Still others say is it a bad idea for national leaders to think of most of the public as "parasites" while saying people with tons of cash are "producers" who should govern. I am talking about the Republican Party's embrace of Ayn Rand and her cruel philosophy.


Thing is, I'll bet most of the powerful Rethugs are as atheist as I am (their god is money and power) and Rand was. It's the idiots who vote for them who actually believe their cracked ideology of Bizarro Jesus and Greed is Good. If those people actually understood that the Party of Fiscal Responsibility looked at them as the "parasites", they'd be a buncha people swinging at the end of a rope*. Unfortunately, it's very hard for the average Republican voter to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

*At least the Dems are still making a show of standing for the public good. The Republicans have abandoned any pretense of it. (h/t)


  1. They look at them as suckers that can be easily manipulated as well.

  2. I believe their gospel states that it is easier for a rich man to get into heaven than for a needle to fit into a camel's asshole.

  3. OTOH, I think a lotta rich men would fit in a camel's asshole just fine.
