Monday, June 13, 2011

Work Zone! (cont'd)

The blogroll will be growing over the next couple days, back into the vast compendium of bloggy goodness it once was. Give me until the end of the week (I got close to 400 blogs to add) before you bitch to me one blog or another ain't on it. Next week I'll ask for your recommendations for blogs to add to the list.


And just an aside: Been looking for faucets for the master bath so I can cut the holes in the vanity top and get everything together. I haven't bought a faucet in 15 years. Knocked my prick in my watchpocket when I saw what they want for "designer" faucets. Looks like they slap a "designer series" or some shit sticker on it when they wanna sell the same piece of shit for more money. Either way I look at it, they're gonna get me for the better part of $300 bucks for the faucet and matching drain that won't leak on me in 2 years.


  1. Opps. Guess I should have read the next post before complaining about my missing link.

    You know, as opposed to my being the missing link.............

  2. Got any plumber friends who can steer you away from the cheap shit that has been Wal-Marted (or Home Depoted). There is still quality out there but you have to know where to find it.

  3. The last coupla faucets I replaced were cheap-ass ones from Lowes. They look good and work fine.

  4. I need one for the vessel sink (read: tall). I got the cheap ones (less than $100) in the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom (regular sink) and they've worked fine for over a decade.

  5. May be worth your time to check yr local Craig's List . . .
