Sunday, June 12, 2011

Work Zone!

Working on stuff now, bear with me.


Looks like the view out Gordon's back door (as opposed to his aft end, heh ...). More tomorrow. Gotta sort out the blogroll and some other shit.

Unfortunately, I had to shitcan 7 years worth of comments. Sorry, but Blogger comments should be better than that Echo shit. I'll leave word verification up for a while and then I'll turn it loose. If I get too much spam, I'll turn it on again.

Update (Monday morning):

I went with this template instead because it loads a bit faster. Still working on the blogroll.


  1. The view out my aft is not for the faint of heart!

  2. I don't have anything to say; I just wanted to see if commenting via your new what's it is different than on the old what's it.

    Jay in N.C.

  3. Hey! Where's my link? Don't ya love Rook no more????????

  4. Holy shit!
    I'm offline for a few days and here I am, I thought I hit the wrong button!

    It's spelled ORNERY BASTARD,as if you could forget.....
