Thursday, July 28, 2011

Basic fuckups ...

I did a post on my football (soccer) blog regarding the MLS All Star Game last night. The state of American football, with regard to the rest of the world, is about the same as our politics. Everybody looks at us as either incompetent, foolish, or fuckups. To wit, the Rude One has some examples of articles regarding our current political situation from across the world:

Hey, gang, at the end of what will be known as our waning salad days, let's check out what editorials from around the world are saying about our fucktarded debt ceiling debate (also known as "That Time the GOP Destroyed the World's Economy and Unleashed the Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse") to see if we can learn anything by viewing ourselves through the eyes of others (here's a hint: we're pretty goddamned dumb):


Those who believe in "American exceptionalism" think that the world's opinion of us doesn't matter, that we know and do best in all things. That worked when others used to look up to us. Now they see us as a ship of fools.

Robert Plant - Ship of Fools

1 comment:

  1. Ah, c'mon! "American Exceptionalism" is alive and well.

    These days, we're proving to be exceptionally stupid....
