Thursday, July 28, 2011

I found Gordon!

Or at least, he found me ... sorta. I was getting worried about the old codger because he hasn't been posting or commenting for the last couple days, not a peep. Since, for the last 7 years he's never been at a loss for words here, I was gonna zap an email over to him if I hadn't heard from him by tonight.

Well, I just got done mowing the lawn and noticed my phone was beeping the "charge the fucking battery, idiot" tone (which I didn't hear over the engine), so I pulled it out and saw I had a voice message. What I got (my battery died mid-call) is he's got a malware problem in both his desktop and his laptop and they're in the shop. We'll hear from him (I'm sure, heh ...) as soon as he has one, or both of them running again.

Meantime, like the dogs (the Mrs. is in Gord's neck of the woods on business), you're stuck with my ass.

Oh, and hey Gord, tell Mrs. G to quit going to them porn sites so she don't get no more viruses. Heh ...


  1. "Tell Mrs. G."? And Gordon is as pure as the driven snow?

  2. And Gordon is as pure as the driven snow?

    What, you haven't heard? Heh ...

  3. My tech says you can pick up the viruses as easy from YouTube or Google as from porn sites.
