Monday, July 25, 2011

Cut and dry ...


Even after allowing this hostage taking to go right up to the brink of default, Boehner wants us to believe he's really just worried about doing what's right for the country and might still be willing to make a deal with President Obama. If he was worried about doing what's right, he'd help get a clean vote passed on the debt ceiling and we wouldn't be wondering if the markets might start reacting to this stuff at any moment. [my em]


I used to think, many, many years ago, the Republicans wanted what was best, and would do the right thing for, the country; they just came at problems from a different angle. Now, especially after this debt ceiling mess, it's quite obvious they don't care what happens to the country as long as they, and their cronies, win. They don't care if our ship of state is the Titanic, they just care about being at the helm.


  1. My take on the situation pretty much agrees with yours. It has seemed to me for quite awhile that the so-called Republican party is like a 9th or 10th grade high school clique - they just want to "win." They either don't understand or don't care that they will be running a pile of rubble.

    I've also had musings on foreswearing one's self by signing pledges and oaths (G. Norquist pledges) prior to or upon taking office. Does that not indicate that one gives precedence to the private party oath over the oath to the constitution? Or maybe I'm just too scrupulous when it comes to taking an oath and/or making a promise. ?

    Jay in N.C.

  2. The helm, being at the highest part of the ship, is the last to go under.

  3. ... maybe I'm just too scrupulous when it comes to taking an oath ...

    Indeed. I've taken two. One to defend my country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The second to my wife a little over 20 years ago, to be there for her in sickness and in health.

    Don't see a need to take another.
