Monday, July 25, 2011

There are times ...

When politics ain't local. What "The Dead End Quarter" and their idiot representatives in Congress don't get is that when you dick with the world's largest economy, it's gonna affect more than just this country. It's also gonna piss off the few friends we have left. Ladies and Gentlemen, if we lose the Brits, you know we're about to circle the bowl:

Business Secretary Vince Cable has launched an extraordinary attack on "right wing nutters" in the US who are threatening to cripple the world economy.


But he added: "The irony of the situation at the moment, with markets opening tomorrow morning, is that the biggest threat to the world financial system comes from a few right-wing nutters in the American congress rather than the eurozone."


People around the world, along with the sane ones in this country, are seriously worried. For many nations, an American default could be an existential threat. These fuckups in this country are not only shitting where we eat, they're doing it in places that bear no responsibility for our problems. Personally, I think arrests are in order ...

Great thanks to Dr. Attaturk for the link.

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