Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hey, boob...


Arizonans enraged at Muslim word for dust storm

How dare meteorologists describe a weather event with the correct, Arabic-derived term?

A few years back, Arizona got sick of the fact that Texas and Mississippi and Alabama were always the butts of the rest of the nation's jokes about halfwit xenophobic gun-toting pissed-off old white folk, and so The Grand Canyon State decided to really kick it up a notch, in terms of bad craziness and hatred. The tireless work of Governor Jan Brewer, State Senator Russell Pearce and Sheriff Joe Arpaio paid off! Thanks to those three, Arizona is no longer defined by its amazing geography, rich history, and rugged, independent residents. No, when you think of Arizona in 2011, you think of a bunch of armed racist morons.

Mrs. G just said AZ should start teaching math in Roman numerals instead of the Arabic numerals we've been using.


  1. A few years back, Arizona got sick of the fact that Texas and Mississippi and Alabama were always the butts of the rest of the nation's jokes about halfwit xenophobic gun-toting pissed-off old white folk, and so The Grand Canyon State decided to really kick it up a notch, in terms of bad craziness and hatred.

    Ain't it the truth. Used to love going to Arizona. Wouldn't be caught dead there now.

  2. Personally, I don't care what they call it but I will continue to call it a dust storm. I've not experienced a dust storm in the Arabian desert but I've got a feeling that it's a little more dramatic. ?

    It always annoys me to hear our rainy season referred to as "monsoon" season. Trust me on this, it isn't an effing monsoon.

    Jay in N.C.
