Sunday, July 24, 2011

I wish I was in Fixer's neck of the woods today

This is going to be a MOST colorful weekend! A very nice piece in the NYTimes:

Hundreds of gay and lesbian couples across New York State plan to marry on Sunday, the culmination of a long battle in the Legislature and a new milestone for gay rights advocates seeking to legalize same-sex marriage around the nation.

The first marriages were scheduled to take place just after midnight in Niagara Falls, where officials planned to illuminate the famous cascade in the colors of a rainbow, and in Albany, where an eager mayor planned to marry eight gay couples.

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg plans to officiate at the wedding of two senior City Hall officials at a ceremony at Gracie Mansion, while Mr. Cuomo is hosting a party for gay rights advocates and lawmakers at a hotel near the meatpacking district.

In Brooklyn, the borough president, Marty Markowitz, plans to open Borough Hall for a marathon series of weddings, complete with free cake and Champagne.

Outside the city clerk’s office in Lower Manhattan, rabbis from a synagogue in the West Village plan to solemnize weddings under a rainbow-colored huppah, or Jewish wedding canopy. And two gay puppets, Rod and Ricky, from the Tony Award-winning musical “Avenue Q,” plan to show up outside the clerk’s office to stage a mock wedding as well.

The last sentence takes the cake!

And the Fire Island Pines resort is promoting three same-sex wedding packages, one featuring a private ferry ride “complete with your own crew of drag queens.”

Other than the wedding party? My goodness!

Note to all the new married couples: I wish you all the best!


  1. They started at midnight. Gonna be a hell of a party all day long.

  2. I guess it shouldn't surprise anybody, but the Westboro folks are here protesting.

  3. All the happy people need to smother the Westboro shits with hugs and kisses.

  4. I ain't putting my lips anywhere near one of them people.
