Thursday, July 21, 2011

House Republicans Have Morphed Into 'A Cult'

Elise Foley

"The sad thing is America no longer has a two-party system," Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said at a press conference Wednesday. "One of our two parties has morphed into kind of a cult driven by a singular fixation and obsession: preserving tax breaks for the wealthy at all costs."

"Once again the radical right is more worried about protecting their next election than protecting the greatest generation or the next generation," Mikulski said at a press conference. "What a sham, what a scam. I'd be tempted to blow it off if it weren't so cruel, stupid and dangerous."

Note to right-wing cultists everywhere, and especially the Teabagger People's House: you should all follow the example set by that greatest of all cultists and a man who demonstrated the kind of leadership we would like to see from you, Jim Jones.


  1. Hello Gordon,

    I like that as a choice for them but there are many others to choose from such as any of the cargo cults, Heaven's Gate (Hale-Bopp) and one I have not heard of before Order of the Solar Temple. They are welcome to participate in any or all of the above.

  2. I think committing suicide on the House floor would be a classy touch.

  3. I'm mixing the "Kool-Aid" as we speak. I was wondering how I was gonna get rid of all these nasty shit chemicals in the garage. Heh ...
