Friday, July 22, 2011

Another financial genius ...

Running the Republican fundraising machine:

It’s pretty surprising that the Republicans aren’t doing well raising funds, but even moreso that they did a better job under Michael Steele. Steele was a gaffetastic buffoon, but apparently knew more about raising cash – the real job of a party chairman – than Priebus does.


Steele set a pretty low bar to jump over. Looks like his replacement needs a ladder.


  1. Remember, Reince Priebus without the vowels is RNC PR BS and his plate runneth over with it.

  2. They seem to think bullshit pays the bills.

  3. "They seem to think bullshit pays the bills."

    I keep telling you - these people know as much about basic arithmetic as they do about history!

    Disclosure: Statement made by a person who is completely innumerate but has just enough sense to know that and so triple check anything and everything that has numbers involved. :)

    Jay in N.C.

  4. They seem to think bullshit pays the bills

    If only! There'd be no deficit or National Debt. Texas would be the richest state.
