Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Since ...

Gordon is either getting hisself arrested or getting out of a previous one taking care of buisness with the DMV, I figured I'd jump on over to The Rude One's place (usually I just click on Gordon's link here that night or the next morning) and see what he has to say ... rudely.

Right up my alley today because I too have an urge, if I ever get within 10 feet of Grover "Don't Tax Me There" Norquist, to kick him squarely in the nuts:


The qualities of the pledge to Americans for Taxual Healing are many. First of all, there's the sweet, sweet release that one can get when one feels one's foot connect with the soft sack between Grover Norquist's legs. There's the hilarious slow motion look of horror on Norquist's face as he thinks, "Not again" and "Oh, my balls." Then there's the extra skip in one's step as one heads onto the floor to vote in whatever way one wants.

And then ATH can hold each signer to the pledge. If we hear that Grover Norquist was able to freely come within, say, three feet of a Congress member's foot and walked away with his balls un-kicked, well, we'll run a primary candidate against that Congress member, someone willing to follow through with an assault on Norquist's nuts. Our goal is to make Norquist's testicles feel a sharp pain whenever he gets near the Capitol and thus drive him away.


If I ever run for Congress, I'll sign that pledge.


  1. "kick him squarely in the nuts" Regarding the Grove----Obama says to eat the peas.

  2. Be a lot more effective if it read "republican" instead of "Grover Norquist."

  3. I did answer RP's question on FB about who wants to punch Groober in the nose. Me.

  4. I did have to hand-write one teensy little fairy tale at DMV, the exact contents of which were carefully dictated to me by the DMV lady. They know what they need to see better than I do. Heh.
