Monday, August 22, 2011

9. The Earth is round ...

And 99 other "Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican". Thanks, Montag!


  1. Terrific, and all true! I shared that one on my FB page.

  2. But remember, our lame-stream media will never report that the Earth is round without reporting also that "contrary opinions hold that the Earth is flat." Because, y'know, the shape of the Earth is apparently an *opinion*, and to the lame-stream media, the opinion of the Flat Earth Society means as much as the opinion of every scientists, geographer, sailor, airline pilot, fuck, pretty much *everybody* who's actually studied the situation and looked at the photos and said "yup, the Earth's round!". SIIIIiiiighh.... is it any wonder why WASF?

    - Badtux the Waddling Penguin

  3. Did you all read the comments on that page? It's enough to make you lose your faith in mankind - way too many idiot Republicans.

    (Wow! The random word verification for this comment had all but the last 3 letters of my last name correct!) :)
