Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Not that I agreed ...

With being involved in the Libyan revolution, even as remotely as we are(as far as I'm concerned, Muammar is Europe's problem), but I'm thrilled it's just about over without Barry sending the Marines to "the shores of Tripoli". That said, Grandpa Walnuts and Princess Lindsey are all mad they didn't have any masturbatory material from the conflict. It's amazing to me, after getting on so well with the Colonel not so long ago, that they'd want American planes to bomb him into subatomic particles. I guess they get more campaign contributions from Big Bullet than from Big Oil.

1 comment:

  1. The whole world is saying Obama did Libya just about right except those two. Even most of the Repugs who jump on Obama for any little thing are staying STFU over this. It's like they're in a snit that the rest of the kids beat up the bully with only minimal help from us - a big "WAAHHHH!" from our experts on war, a pilot who shot himself down and an AF lawyer.
