Friday, August 5, 2011

Debt and Empire

I'm not sure if this is satire or not, but I am sure it's a 'must read':


To: General Petraeus, Langley HQ
From: Operative 650, Kabul office
Re: Memo XE1955

[...] Before I make my modest proposal, permit me a couple observations.

It's easier to get an agreement between the Taliban and coalition forces than it has been to get Democrats and Republicans to see eye to eye. It seems to me, from here in Kabul, that the Tea Party is basically just like the Taliban, minus the beards. They are both determined to take over their countries, they are both fanatical and uncompromising, and they are both willing to destroy their respective governments in order to achieve their aims.

Given their intransigence, I'm wondering whether it might be useful to run an extraordinary rendition program for some of these Tea Party types. I know that the CIA is prohibited from working inside the United States, but perhaps we can use a Colombian or Israeli contractor to bring these folks here to Afghanistan. A few weeks here at Bagram prison under "austerity measures" would surely make some of these legislators more amenable to compromise. Since Congress is about as popular right now as al-Qaeda, I'm willing to wager that the public would wholeheartedly support such a program.

Bagram might be better than Gitmo!

As good as it is, that ain't the half of it, folks! Go see what this gent proposes to solve all our problems! Read the comments too.


  1. Given their intransigence, I'm wondering whether it might be useful to run an extraordinary rendition program for some of these Tea Party types.

    I'm sure the 'Baggers would go for that before the "Empire Tax".

  2. I'm not so sure. They like to tax poor people and there's some mighty poor people where we have troops.

  3. Around here the Teaparty is starting to lose steam, folks are starting to get the idea that they've been "had" and that they should have started their own movement.

    I've always thought this "teaparty" business was a beard for something else, Maybe an experiment to see how things work out, and a relaunch would have certain tweaks done, tucks taken.

  4. It was a beard for "tax breaks for the rich"
    sponsored by the Koch bros and other corporate interests disguised as a less government, no taxes grassroots movement.They were had, all right.
