Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Either ...

We just had an earthquake or I gotta stop smoking in the afternoon ...


You know it was tough in NYC:


Lord & Taylor on Fifth Avenue was also evacuated.

Update Zwei:

Cell service is down due to traffic. The Mrs. is in Jersey today. Let's see if they let her across any of the Hudson River bridges on the way home.


  1. Apparently the epicenter was in Mineral VA. Welcome to California! Too bad it wasn't a volcano. Smoke away...

  2. Just heard that when there's an EQ back east, Easterners are supposed to act "ironically". Heh.

    We're gettin' a big kick outta this!

  3. I felt it in Toronto. People on the ground didn't, but people in high-rises did.

  4. Hell, I'm sitting in my office, 3 feet underground, and I got a nice shake. The bedroom doors flapped back and forth, as did the lamps. Lasted about 45 seconds.

  5. Watch out for aftershocks.

    No earthquakes in MN. Just tornadoes. You can stay with us if you have to. The dogs could be a problem. Our cat would kill and eat them. She's a sweet cat and loves people, but she's a very dominant cat and she'd probably kill any dog that mistakenly wandered into her territory. Or gunsights. Yes, my cat is armed. The gun laws are very lax here.

  6. Governor Chris Christie was not in the Statehouse at the time

    One wonders if he was visiting VA and fell on his ass and caused this...

  7. Especially hilarious was reading the accounts of all the workers in office buildings who rushed outside and stood on the sidewalks... right where the sheets of plate glass falling from the buildings would decapitate them if the earthquake had been a slight bit larger.

    Note to you Back Easter's: When an earthquake hits, duck and cover (under a desk or table or even just huddled in the loo of a bed), don't rush out to where you can get turned into the Headless Horseman of the blogosphere! You can be dug out of a collapsed building. But decapitated is sorta permanent, just sayin' ;).

    - Badtux the California Penguin

  8. Bt, you forgot the most important advice of all: if the fault line opens up between yer feet, PICK A SIDE!

  9. All those East coast puss's run'n all over the place. Oh, and some plaster fell in the Capitol.
