Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Saved by da shake, sorta...

Goddam! Just when I was all worried because my outrage meter hasn't pegged today and caused me to post something - I mean, c'mon, it's all Qaddafi and Perry, mox nix, same ol', same 'ol - along comes that rarest of things, a pretty good size Eas' Coas' earthquake! This'll take up the rest of the day fer sure!

Old stuff to us Californios, but the back east take is very entertaining. I hope there's not much damage and no deaths or injuries, but you never know. The thing was felt amazingly far and wide and reports will be trickling in for days.

It's something to talk about anyway. The real question is: Which side was God trying to smite? Heh.


  1. Which side was God trying to smite?

    Hey, I was just sitting here, minding my own business, puffing up a fatty. Don't look at me. Heh ...

  2. Just waitin' for the teabaggers to say it was all Obama's fault in 3...2...1... BAM!.

    Like shootin' fish in a barrel. Teabaggers. Only thing more dependable than their stupidity is the sun risin' in the east every mornin'. Just sayin' :).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. "the sun risin' in the east" Or standing on a Main beach and waiting, looking for the sun to set over the ocean.

  4. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, puffing up a fatty. Don't look at me.

    OK, as long as you didn't hear a little "Don't Bogart That Joint" from on high while the whole lotta shakin' was goin' on!

  5. The quake did center in Li'l Eric Cantor's district. So was it political or was Gawd just fed up with the little twerp? One of you guys go ask Her.

  6. Never bogart God. Piss Him off and He may not want to share and we all know God's always got the best stash.

    I was watching an interview on the TV machine where a visibly shaken reporter was asking people about the quake in NYC.

    She asked a couple of tourists from Cali what they thought. The lady said: "Yeah, it surprized us. What was it? a 5.5 or a 5.6? Everyone was freaking out. They even made us leave the hotel. For a 5 pointer."

    Granted, this area isn't prepared for quakes and a 5 pointer can still cause some damage. But here on the Left Coast, all we can say is:

    Been there, done that.

  7. Jesus Christ, all the whining and bellyaching going on around here; everybody freaking out. You know what it felt like? Being on a cruise ship in a channel when another large ship passes abeam. It was a nice, slow, rolling motion. The only other earthquake I been in was more like being next to a semi at 70 mph when he suddenly pulls the Jake Brake.
