Monday, August 8, 2011

Good for him ...

Because he ain't getting my vote:


The data, taken from Gallup's polling from January 2011 to June of this year, charts the president's rating in all 50 states, using interviews with more than 90,000 American adults. While his national approval rating for this time period in the Gallup tracking poll is below 50%, the map shows an improving picture after the GOP victories of 2010, and much of that improvement in swing states.


Sorry, but I ain't voting for an incompetent/closet Republican. I'll vote for everything else, but my vote for President will remain uncast. He's gonna have to get reelected without me.


  1. A vote uncast for Obama is a vote for the Repug.

  2. President Obama entered office in the time of the Unified Executive and the National Security State. There's an ongoing reality to it all now, and the person who comes to the office is only part of the institution. They get the whole riot-act read to them on the first day, what the program is, what they can and cannot do. I try to read the president's actions in this light. I'll be voting for him next year.

  3. Like i said from the beginning, the guy is one hell of an orator. Listen to what he doesn't say and fuck me if I am going to vote for him.

    WTF? Mitt fucking Romney?

    It's already a done deal, tit's up, kicking up daisy's, dirt nap.

  4. Dems not voting in 2010 is sort of how we got into this mess in the first place. I'm voting for him because I really, really, really don't want a teabagger for president.

  5. "A vote uncast for Obama is a vote for the Repug."

    How many times are we going to listen to that sort of rationalization for voting for a closet Republican or huge loser? Anyone who has been paying attention (and I know you have been paying attention, Gordon) should realize that Nader was right and there is barely a hair's width of difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.

    Panetta made a speech in which he said he thought Medicare should be cut and Obama came out in agreement with him. Obama is a corporate stooge and the tool of rich people and is giving us Bush's third term. I wouldn't vote for him with a gun to my head. I won't bother to vote in November. My own, dear, 82 year old mother told me on the phone last week that she thinks we should vote every last office-holder out. If I thought it were possible to get rid of these assholes, I'd go along with her. You have a "good" representative, someone you think is representing his actual constituents and not the rich? Good for you, but he probably hasn't accomplished one single fucking thing since he took office (I'm thinking of Rush Holt when I write that). Who needs a well-intentioned and unaccomplished representative? And if they become effective and start to threaten the edifice of crap, like Anthony Weiner, then the establishment finds something the guy did wrong and brings him down. Weiner sent out pictures of his dick and had to resign. Bush murdered hundreds of thousands and allowed New Orleans to fall without helping and allowed the WTC to be attacked and destroyed without even troubling himself to try and stop it. He retired with honors and got richer and richer. This is life in America, people. Voting is a waste of time.

  6. Hey Fixer,
    I'm a long-time lurker, first time commenter. I love and respect the hell out of you and Gordon. However, I'd like to talk you down from the ledge. I mean, if you keep talking like this, your comments will be picked up by the corporate media -- they love when the left chastises Obama and they have a meme that's been selling well "He's so weak," "He always caves," etc. It ain't easy fighting fascism, you know that. And mutiny probably isn't the best strategy. So, as Boehner said, "Get your ass in line." Because do you think Obama's battles with repubs are making their constituents less inclined to vote repub? They win some, they lose some, but they rarely break ranks. We (and I mean you, me, and everyone who ain't in the top income bracket) have more to lose by not voting that we have to gain. Always have. On Wisconsin!

  7. Re the above comments: I've heard the same from other people: that we must vote for Obama, because who else is there?

    But it's like this: that's exactly why Dems like Obama feel they can take the progressive wing for granted and then ignore them: because they think progressives have nowhere else to go.

    Maybe if the progressive wing DIDN'T buy into that, and DIDN'T come out to support the Dem of the year, the Dems might just appreciate what the progressives do for them...and might actually start listening to them.

    Besides, why should I be expected to vote for Obama "just because"? That'd make me a sap. Why should I be expected to vote for either Republican or Republican Lite?

  8. My heart is with Fixer. However, I will take Bad Tux's advice and do a write in at primary and then vote for Obama in the election. How can I do otherwise? The R's will be running Perry, Bachmann, or some other nightmare.

    I was, and am, disappointed and finally disgusted with Obama but I don't have a word for my reaction to Perry, Bachmann, et al.

    Jay in N.C.

  9. No Jay, you did have a word for it and it was quite correct;

