Monday, August 8, 2011

Verrrrry interesting...

From The Spy Who Billed Me with a tip o' the Brain to Andy Sullivan.

Bin Laden Turned in by Informant -- Courier Was Cover Story

[...] Sources in the intelligence community tell me that after years of trying and one bureaucratically insane near-miss in Yemen, the US government killed OBL because a Pakistani intelligence officer came forward to collect the approximately $25 million reward from the State Department's Rewards for Justice program.

The informant was a walk-in.

The CIA and friends then set about proving that OBL was indeed there. And they did.

Next they approached the chiefs of the Pakistani military and the ISI. The US was going to come in with or without them. The CIA offered them a deal they couldn't refuse: they would double what the Saudis were paying them to keep bin Laden if they cooperated with the US. Or they could refuse the deal and live with the consequences: the Saudis would stop paying and there would be the international embarassment...

The ISI and Pakistani military were cooperating with the US on the raid.

The cooperation was why there were no troops in Abottabad. They were all pulled out. [...]

Although the White House really pissed off the intel and DEVGRU guys with their knee-jerk reaction that tossed the Pakistanis under the proverbial bus, ironically it did have the same outcome as the original CIA cover story: the way they were treated, no one believes Generals Kiyani and Pasha were cooperating with the US.

Since my personal opinion is that the CIA couldn't find a Jew in Miami without a tip-off, I have no trouble believing this. Doesn't matter. The fucker's dead and that's the important part.


  1. What do I say, loyalty in that part of the world depends on the amount of cash involved. An offer they couldn't refuse indeed.

  2. Crap, the CIA would have trouble finding a *Cuban* in Miami without help from an informant. Just sayin'.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Gordon and Tux say what you really mean. The CIA couldn't find Miami without a rugged old Indian scout and a pack of hound dogs.

  4. Good points all! A Cuban, OTOH, can find Miami unaided from 40 miles out to sea...
