Wednesday, August 3, 2011

GOP Bullies

Thanks to YubaNet.

Dude, ya gotta get pissed off and start hitting 'em. You're already getting beat up, might as well not be a sissy too.


  1. Lets organize a committee! and put on a show! Yeah, that's it.

  2. Bake sale. At least we could eat.

  3. If he don't start fighting back soon (assuming he wants to), it's gonna be a close election next year.

    The Rethugs talk a good game and have spreading bullshit down to a science. If shit don't change, attention-deficient America is gonna swallow it again.

  4. Obama needs to be sent a copy of this cartoon. It's spot on.

    Maybe he needs to think about this before he starts up another one of his noble attempts at "bipartisanship," "consensus," "A Grand Bargain," or whatever 11th-dimension chess game he tries next time....

  5. Hello anonymous,

    Don't you mean "bipartisanshit"?

  6. I'm thinking the Pres ain't the guy we thought he was . . .

  7. It really doesn't matter what kind of guy we thought he was. When it got down to election day we had no choice whatsoever. It was him or The Ghost And Mrs. Moron.
