Thursday, August 4, 2011

I don't know about you ...

But I ain't putting anything that came from Rick Santorum near my lips. Tengrain:

Wanna spread a little Santorum on your toast? - That frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter Rick Santorum has promised to bribe Iowans by giving them jars of preserves. "We are bringing [40 jars of Santorum jam] to the Straw Poll and we are going to give everybody a sample," threatened Frothy. So who will win the Golden Ticket as it were and take home Baby Gabriel?

Um, no ...


  1. I won't be eating anything for a while after that thought, thank you very much.

  2. Hello Gordon,

    Not even long pork Santorum?

  3. Casey, I like you but if I could puke on your shoes right now, after that remark I would. ;-)
