Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hey ...

What's that big yellow thing in the sky?


  1. Our pal deuddersun rode his new motorcycle home from NH to NY right through your rainstorm. I accused him of having a #10 can o' balls and a void in his brain housing group.

  2. And a lot of luck in his back pocket.

  3. Coincidentally, just the other day, the Mrs. reminded me of a hell ride of ours one July 4, in similar rain, 60 miles from home on my Gold Wing. Heh ...

  4. I've waited out a gullywasher under an overpass more than once myself. A little rain's OK, a lotta rain is too miserable for words.

  5. That's why she reminds me on a regular basis. I didn't wait under an overpass (though she said I should 3 times during the ride). She wasn't pleased by the time we got home. It's been over 20 years, but I'll never live it down I guess. Heh ...
