Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Would you pay ...

Almost a hunnert bucks to go to this thing and come home with physical evidence that you actually did go?

Nostalgia act Snowbilly Sarah and The Grifters will be teaming up with The Man Too Crazy For Fox for a Very Special One Time Performance That You Can Tell You Grandchildren About Right Before They Place A Pillow Gently But Firmly Over Your Face. Called Defending The Republic, and sponsored by St. Louis radio station NewsTalk 97.1 as well as Hansen’s Tree Service (I shit you not), this is an event you won’t want to miss if only for the chance at a $77 commemorative t-shirt:


They couldn't pay me to go, even if they throw in a free t-shirt.


  1. Somewhere a sobbing David Frum is joining David Brooks in a suicide pact…

    My sides, they hurt...

  2. No such luck that combined, they'd muster up enough ball to do it.
