Friday, August 19, 2011

If this woman ...

Is elected President, we'll deserve what we get as a result.


"But what people recognize is that there’s a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward. And especially with this very bad debt ceiling bill, what we have done is given a favor to President Obama and the first thing he’ll whack is five hundred billion out of the military defense at a time when we’re fighting three wars. People recognize that."


So, a person who wants to be President believes a nation dead 20 years is "on the rise"? And, Ms. Bachmann, maybe if we weren't "fighting three wars" the MIC* wouldn't be looting the Treasury at the rate they are now and we wouldn't have to keep the most expensive standing army in the world prepared for a fight with the ... Soviet Union.

"Yes, Madame President, the missiles are on their way."

*MIC = Military Industrial Complex

Great thanks to They Gave Us A Republic for the link.


Heh ... Bachmann thinks she's "Jane Bond" now. Personally, I get the feeling that infiltrating a federal agency in order to destroy it carries a jail sentence ... except if you're a Republican.


  1. Her and Perry are starting their "ridiculous-off" for the primary. I hope the nation notices.

  2. I hope we have enough popcorn!

  3. Next up, Bachmann will remind us of the extreme danger to the nation posed by Ghenghis Khan and the Golden Horde :).

    The thing is, her base eats this up. Remember, they're common folk, the clay of the new west, just regular folks... you know... heh.

    - Badtux the Not-moronic Penguin
