Friday, August 19, 2011

When I knew ...

Obama wasn't gonna be what we hoped after 8 years of Bush. When Joe Lieberman campaigned for Obama's opponent, Grandpa Walnuts, and the half-Governor of Alaska. When Lieberman was allowed to retain his committee chairmanship* after supporting the enemy, instead of having it shoved up his ass by pulling his seniority, I got an inkling "hope and change" carried a different meaning in Obama's dictionary than mine.

You'd think the rotten prick would be somewhat grateful (were I Obama, my first order of business would have been to ruin Lieberman politically). But no. Dickface went on Fox 'News' to proclaim he doesn't "... know who I'm going to support at this point... I want to see who's got the plans, who the Republicans nominate... Bottom line, too early to say."


"It really is too early to say," Lieberman insisted. "I never have really met Rick Perry. I must say that I watched the launch of his campaign the last few days and first impressions are important. He's made, to me, some very good first impressions."


Self-serving scumbag. I can't remember the last time he put the interests of the people of Connecticut and the United States ahead of the interests of Joe Lieberman. Miserable scumbag.

*And an aside, I know now why Obama twisted Harry Reid's arm to let Lieberman stay as committee chair; because it was a sure bet Lieberman wouldn't investigate Chimp & Co's "indiscretions". That's when I first figured Obama was a big-talking pussy.

1 comment:

  1. Once again you are right on target!

    Jay in N.C.
