Friday, August 26, 2011

One of the few times ...

That you will see, on a Friday in the summer, traffic flowing away from the Hamptons and the Jersey Shore. Heh ...


And from how it looks now, 48 hours out, we're gonna take it right in the ass early Sunday morning.

We got everything we need, the cars gassed up and the dogs' travel crates installed. I'm gonna get all the lawn furniture and garden stuff in the shed tonight. I'm not so much worried about the water here but the wind. I'd planned to put a new roof on the house in spring but I might be doing it sooner. I'm confident in the structure, especially with all the work I've done on it in the past few years. I do have my eye on a few of the big trees in the back yard (and a couple of my neighbors trees) that might uproot. We did have a foot of rain a couple weeks ago and more rain last night so the ground is soft. We'll see. I've done all I can do and I've got a good homeowner's policy. I've been through hurricanes before, on land and sea. Mother Nature can take her best shot.


  1. Hope all you get from Irene is a big wet kiss. We *just* missed a hit, here; outer bands and tropical storm conditions are all we're supposed to see. (The wind is already picking up a bit.) I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for Chez Fixer.

  2. I'm thinking safe thoughts for you and yours. And crossing my fingers too.

  3. Mrs. G said you should bring in the lawn gnomes lest they make unscheduled flights.

  4. BTW, I wish I was there to experience whatever is going to happen with you.

  5. Hell, I'll be all right. I got a good woman, 2 good dogs, and people been trying to kill me since I can remember. Mother Nature is just another in a long line. I always land on my feet.

  6. BTW, I wish I was there to experience whatever is going to happen with you.

    Don't you mean, "happen to me"? Heh ...

    Wish you could be here too pardner. You, me, 2 wimmens, 4 dogs; could be a hell of a party!

  7. The world could cave in and we wouldn't notice! Heh.
