Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sucks to be you ...

Even if Mr. Obama and AG Holder don't want to "look back" at the transgressions of those in the Chimp administration, a federal judge thinks private citizens should be able to. Via Avedon, it looks like a lot of folks want a piece of Rummy.


  1. I hope enough people sue him that he goes broke from legal fees. Then he can die.

  2. Sure, I'm a huge Obama cheerleader, but this is one area where I don't agree with or respect his choice. If we let those W. administration war criminals go free -- without even an investigation -- we embolden worse mosters in the future. Shame on Obama and Holder.

    Rummy, Cheney, et. al. should be behind bars, going broke from legal fees, or forced to hide under a different rock every night.
