Thursday, August 11, 2011

What's the black stuff ...

Between the elephant's toes?

Slow moving pygmies*.

I've said it a million times; the rich don't care who they trample in their lust for money and power.


It seems that the very rich people... the ones who like to call themselves the "upper class" in this country... may not be so upper class after all. They actually lack many of the personality traits that differentiate we human beings from the dog eat dog, survival of the fittest denizens of the animal world. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of the "lower" animals" who are more capable of empathy for their fellow creatures than most of our elitist rich.


Recent studies have verified that the upper class is pretty much incapable of giving a damn about the havoc they wreak on the lives of the common people... otherwise identified by both they and the mass media as the "lower" class... and while there are differences of opinion as to whether this disability is inherited through some kind of genetic disposition or learned, most of them agree that the elite are indeed incapable of or indisposed to giving any indication that they give a damn about anyone but themselves.


For those who think the answer to our problems is to kiss the "job creators'" collective ass and hope they feel a bit of noblesse oblige, let me be the first to say you are barking at the moon. The rich give nothing up unless it suits them, or makes them more money. If you want more financial equality in the US, you're gonna have to take it, in the forms of taxes, better regulation, and at the point of a gun if necessary.

*And before anyone gets offended, I didn't mean "pygmies" in the "little black guys from Africa" vein, purely symbolic of our plight among the elephants of the GOP and their minions.


  1. Who would have thought the rich would enjoy keeping their money more than helping our ilk succeed economically?

    If I may be permitted a little schadenfreude -- The article mentions that the rich have a focus on self, which is an invitation to insecurity, neurosis, therapy and just plain batshit crazyness - Say, Michelle Bachmann is rich isn't she? And Mittens, and Cain, hey I'm seeing a pattern here.

  2. I shoulda been a pshrink. I woulda cleaned up ...

  3. I'M OFFENDED!!! (well, I would be but since I am about 5'17" tall and 250ish lbs, I probably don't have that much in common with pygmies so, never mind.)

  4. The rich will start caring about us when we come for them.

  5. CAFKIA, for you we just need a bigger elephant...;-)

  6. So tell us what we already know, why doncha? Nobody ever got rich by working hard, being kind to other people, and doing the right thing. No, the way to be rich is to be a sociopathic asshole who charms, backstabs, steals, and otherwise climbs his way to the top over the steaming bodies of his "lessors". With the exception of a few rich people who got there more or less accidentally either through birth or by being in the right place at the right time, anytime you see a rich person, you can be assured you're looking at a flaming sociopath who'd sooner stab you in the back than say hello.

    - Badtux the Cynical Penguin
