Friday, September 30, 2011

American Autumn?

Mike Krieger via Da Beas:


Most of you reading this right now are thinking that this is interesting but he is exaggerating and this will blow over. I am here to assure you that it is not and this whole thing is about to grow exponentially as the economy continues to stagnate and people climb the learning curve. Are you aware that the founder of, David Talbot, is publicly calling for an “American Spring?” This of course is a reference to the Arab Spring, in which revolution swept across North Africa earlier this year and led to the collapse of the Tunisian and Egyptian governments and then major government bribes to the people living in the oil rich kingdoms. Mr. Talbot writes “In these increasingly hard times, Salon is dedicating itself to an American revival. Our editorial mission will become more explicitly and aggressively populist. We will be publishing more investigative pieces, exposing the shadow dance of power. And both Democratic and Republican targets will be fair game, since both parties are increasingly under the control of the same corporate forces.” His full piece is here ... You need to read it if you want to understand where all of this is headed. How about journalist Chris Hedges talking about “Occupy Wall Street” ... We the people now understand it is not “rich vs. poor,” businessperson vs. teacher.” It is serf vs. oligarch. They are 0.1% and we know what they are up to. GAME ON. [original links edited for readability]



  1. American Spring

    Michael Moore pretty much said that the other night on Lawrence. The hard part for Americans will be to get up off the couch.

  2. More and more of 'em ain't got a couch to sit on. With all these people losing jobs left and right, they got a lotta free time on their hands. That fact the TWU and other unions have now joined the fray, it should get interesting.

  3. It just might and more power to 'em. I don't see it sweeping the nation just yet tho'.

  4. I hope it does. Revolution is a young person's game. If it gets ugly, I'll jump in, but it's gotta start with the people who've got nothing left to lose. That's why the Teabaggers have mostly used up their 15 minutes. If the Wall St. thing takes off, it'll be authentic, as opposed to the Tea Bag astroturf, big money financed, losers who get most of their income from the government dole.

    When people have no hope for a job, no hope for a future (with 100K worth of student loans to pay back), they got enough free time on their hands to take to the streets. If there's enough of them, it'll take off.

    Revolution, like democracy, has to come from within. It has to begin with people who have skin in the game. Hopefully, this one will be bloodless and hopefully this one succeeds. They can call me when it's time to settle the scores that need to be settled.

    I've done my bit for this country and I ain't doing it again unless it counts. I don't tilt at windmills anymore.
