Friday, September 30, 2011

See you in Hell ...


Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric linked to al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing, has been killed, Yemen's Defense Ministry said on Friday.

"The terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed along with some of his companions," it said in a statement sent by text message to journalists, but gave no details.


"Gave no details" means the Americans got him with a drone or the SEALs "did a bin Laden" on him. You won't hear details because the Yemeni Street doesn't need to know about our military operations in their country.


  1. Glad they got him. Don't care how. Continue the march.

  2. Well, it matters to *ME*. Executing American citizens without trial is sorta, like, unconstitutional and shit, y'know. All they had to do was capture him and try him in a Texas court and Rick Perry woulda done the same damned thing to him, but nooo, too messy I guess, maybe he woulda spilled the beans about his CIA funding or somethin', right?

    Y'know, if we're gonna start executing American terrorists without trial, I got a whole long list of'em. Like Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Lloyd Blankfein, the whole Teabagger contingent in Congress, ...

    Yeah, do we really wanna start down that road? REALLY? You do understand that after Robespierre ended up shortening the necks of the French royals, he himself got his *own* neck shortened, right?

    - Badtux the Rule of Law Penguin

  3. Sorry, Bt, not with ya on this one. That guy renounced his rights when he crossed over.

  4. And we know he crossed over 'cause the government told us so. And the government never lies. These things called TRIALS that occur in things called COURTS, where the government has to actually present this stuff called EVIDENCE are just useless, 'cause the government NEVER lies, so we don't need any of that, right?

    I personally am not eager to be a dead body when the government claims I'm a terrorist and executes me without any of that trial shit, but what the hey, perhaps you're pining for martyrdom...

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. He "crossed over" when he declared war on the United States. Should we have given due process to the enemy on Iwo Jima? Argue it all you want. He's dead. Case closed.

  6. And you know he declared war on the US... how? 'Cause the government told ya so?

    Just wonderin'...

    - Badtux the "Gosh the government never lies" Penguin

  7. I've seen him on TV exhorting the other goat fuckers to harm us. I guess those videos were made by the State Dept. as propaganda?
