Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Amodei Keeps NV-02 In GOP Column

This doesn't mean much, no loss, but in light of the Repugs' House win in Israel New York, I thought I'd throw it in.


Republicans have won Tuesday’s other special election, in Nevada’s second congressional district, with Republican former state Sen. Mark Amodei winning the GOP stronghold. This following on top of Republican Bob Turner’s upset win in the historically Democratic stronghold of New York’s ninth district.

To be clear, this is a historically Republican district, the reddest in the state. It voted for John McCain by less than a one point margin in the 2008 Democratic wave, but before that it voted 57%-41% for George W. Bush in 2004. And even Sharron Angle, the disastrous GOP Senate nominee in 2010 who blew a solid pick-up opportunity for the party against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, carried the district by a 50%-43% margin.

Basically, NV-02 is the whole fucking state except for Lost Wages:

Nevada's 2nd congressional district is a congressional district occupying all of Nevada outside of Clark County, and some parts of Clark County.

Amodei (Basque?*) is a stone Teabagger because that's the way the U.S. version of the Undertaker Wind is blowing these days, but he was for raising taxes before he was against it.

*When someone has an unusual name in Nevada that ends with a vowel, it usually is. Lotsa sheep in NV on more than one level. It's no big surprise they elected someone historically well-versed in fucking them.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Gordon,

    I guess by now they are well acquainted with the "no lube" method and prefer it by at least a 10 to 1 margin over any and all other methods.
