Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Feinstein, Petraeus Say Wartime Contractors Must Go

Halle-fuckin'-lujah! TPMDC:

In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the intelligence community hired thousands of contractors as a matter of convenience and expediency. However, contractor abuses, typified by Blackwater's infamous actions in Iraq, demonstrated just how dangerous it can be to outsource military and intelligence-gathering functions, especially capturing and interrogating detainees.

Feinstein argued that the crucial parts of intelligence operations - the collection, exploitation and analysis of information - are "inherently governmental functions that should be done by government employees at one-third less the cost per employee."

One week into his new role as CIA director, David Petraeus testified Thursday that contractors are at the top of his list of potential cuts in the new era of belt-tightening.

I have two main problems with war contractors and the people who don't oversee them: one is shoddy builders who build showers (at top dollar plus) that electrocute soldiers. The other is "private security forces" aka "mercenaries", again at top dollar plus, who fuck with the locals and then leave the area just prior to the arrival of the real soldiers and Marines who catch the retaliatory shit for them.

The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan in late August issued a report recommending that the Pentagon phase out its use of private security contractors or find a way to ensure that their presence on the battlefield does not put soldiers in harm's way.

Easy. Declare them a "free fire zone". The troops'll fix it.

Be sure to read the 'comments'. Examples:

Defense contractors love Republicans for protecting them from oversight.

"One week into his new role as CIA director, David Petraeus testified Thursday that contractors are at the top of his list of potential cuts in the new era of belt-tightening. "

Watch how fast the GOP forgets to listen to the commanders. missed it....

Eisenhower, FDR and Churchill to name a few would be in strong agreement with Petraeus and Feinstein. It is high time that we ended the concept of WARS 'R' US that Cheney, Rumsfeld and Whatshisname unleashed on the world.



  1. Don't forget serving our troops polluted water to drink either.
    That one REALLY pissed me off.

  2. Declare them a "free fire zone".


  3. Mercenaries have been a fucking disaster every time they've been tried. Crap, even Machiavelli knew that, way-ass back in 1513 when Machievalli wrote his little handbook on how to a ruthless tyrant. But nooo, every generation thinks it knows better and re-invents the same ideas that didn't work for the previous generations... so it goes.

    - Badtux the History Penguin
