Thursday, September 1, 2011

Can you be ...

A bigger pussy?

After squaring off with House Speaker John Boehner over when President Barack Obama could address Congress on his job plan, the White House announced late Wednesday that they'll move the speech back a day to Thursday, Sept. 8. Republicans were upset that Obama had originally scheduled his speech for next Wednesday, which conflicted with the Republican presidential debate.


Yeah, and faced with the choice of watching the NFL or the President, which one you think most Americans are gonna make?

Does anybody in the White House know what they're doing?


  1. If I was king of the forest, Obama's speech would start out something like this.

    "My fellow Americans, my original intention and desire was for tonight's speech to be delivered to a joint session of Congress. Unfortunately, Representative Boner and the GOP thought that the umpteenth outlining of what all the GOP presidential wannabees must say they believe in, was much more important than getting you and your loved ones back to work, back to taking care of your families. So I am delivering this speech to the citizenry instead. I hope that you will inform you representatives which you feel is more important, jobs for Americans or yet another GOP non-debate."

  2. This one doesn't bother me very much. What bothers me is that it's National I.Q. Lowering Time again with the start of the NFL season.

  3. But the Cirque deObozo is so entertaining.
