Thursday, September 1, 2011

You got a couple choppers ...

We can borrow?

Me and the Mrs. always joke (though it's no laughing matter), especially this weekend when Governor General, Lord Cuomo II was givng a press conference on the storm and he had 4 National Guard troops standing behind him. It's like "these 4 guys are the NY National Guard and they're here to help you because everybody else is in Iraq or Afghanistan". In Vermont it's true:

Eight helicopters on loan from the Illinois National Guard were expected to arrive Tuesday night in Vermont to help the Vermont National Guard deliver food, medicine, water and other supplies to 13 Vermont towns cut off from the rest of the state in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene.

The outside helicopter support is needed because all six of the Vermont Guard’s Black Hawk helicopters are still in Iraq, where they and 55 Vermont soldiers are wrapping up a yearlong hospital transport mission, said Lt. Lloyd Goodrow, spokesman for the Vermont Guard.


It's about time we stopped using the National Guard as a front line force and let them do what they were intended to do. The only way to do that is to end these shitty, misbegotten, little wars.

Thanks to Chris for the link.


  1. Yeah, Louisiana had the same damn problem with Katrina. There literally wasn't a National Guard truck or helicopter anywhere in the state when Katrina hit, leaving the Governor with no option but begging Brownie for help. Yeah, that worked out well (sad snark)...

    The National Guard is supposed to be the NATIONAL Guard, what keeps the Viet Cong from coming ashore on Galveston Beach and wrecking havoc. (At least, given how much time Former Dear Leader spent on Galveston beach having all-night keggers with his ANG buddies during the Vietnam War, I *assume* that's their purpose!). Having them overseas fighting folks who, like, aren't invading, is just... wrong.

    - Badtux the NoGo Penguin

  2. Time to bring back the draft----that will put a swift end to the war business. That way we can hire Blackwater and let them carry the hits.
