Saturday, September 17, 2011

The causes ...

Continuing on a theme from yesterday's post. If you wonder how Afghanistan got to be the way it is, and why it was almost inevitable the 9/11 attacks would originate from there, you should read this:


This history has implications for the war the United States is waging in Afghanistan today. Many Americans would be surprised to learn that some of the same “freedom fighters” to whom the Central Intelligence Agency provided billions of dollars worth of Stinger missiles and other weapons in the 1980s are the same “terrorists” who today are fighting U.S. forces – such as we saw in the Sept. 13th attack on the U.S. embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul, purportedly carried out by the Haqqani Network, one of the CIA’s favored clients in the 1980s.


We laid the groundwork for the 9/11 attacks and this endless war 30 years ago.


  1. Hello Fixer,

    It's called blowback. The first time I heard this regarding our adventures around the globe was reading Chalmers Johnson. I miss his writing.

  2. Our motto in Clusterfuckistan oughta be "Proudly Screwin' The Pooch For 25 Years!"

  3. So is the war in Shitholeistan just long term welfare for the Merchants of Death or are the generals incompetent?

  4. This is a Corporals' and Sergeants' small unit war. Big unit budget tho', so the Generals have to be there to write reams justifying it.

  5. This is a Corporals' and Sergeants' small unit war.

    Yeah, all the officers are sittin' in the States flying remote controlled airplanes. I wonder if they actually have the chutzpah to wear a campaign ribbon.
