Saturday, September 17, 2011

Quote of the Day

John Sheirer on the Republican Clown Car:


They claim that God has called them to run for office--several of them. God apparently can't make up his mind which one to support.



  1. Maybe God is just messin' with 'em. Get 'em all to try to out-crazy each other pandering to the base. Then, maybe, Obama can win re-election.

  2. I think the moderator of the next Repug "debate" should bring that up. See if they can out-"the voices in my head are better than the voices in your head" each other. Heh.

  3. Gord - if they do that, all their heads might explode.

    Anon - never underestimate the power of idiots in large groups.

  4. heads might explode

    Must see TV!

  5. Must see TV!

    Shit, if I knew it would happen during a debate, I'd watch it live, in its entirety, and record it for posterity.
