Friday, September 23, 2011

Does everything nowadays ...

Have to turn into a "crisis"?


"The bill the House will vote on tonight is not an honest effort at compromise," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in a statement anticipating its passage. "It fails to provide the relief that our fellow Americans need as they struggle to rebuild their lives in the wake of floods, wildfires and hurricanes, and it will be rejected by the Senate."

A livid Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) told reporters Thursday night "We're fed up with this...we're sick of it, we're tired of it."


So now, once again, the Republicans will take the American people hostage to achieve some niggling budget cuts. I can't believe they have yet to be reduced to "national joke" status. At this point, the conservative/tea bag/GOP reminds me more of KAOS than a bunch of American adults looking for ways to run this country with anything resembling competence.


  1. There must be a metric assload of complete fucking idiots in this country.
    I can see no other reason why that these assclowns haven't been drug by the scruff of the neck and thrown into the street.

  2. I hope the American people are noticing that the Repubs are working overtime to make the country ungovernable....and that they DO NOT put them back into office because they're "tired of gridlock" and "want the government to work."

    I'm beginning to think the Republican Party is no longer a party. It's an insane asylum.
